Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Anya + Payam

Its hard to find words to describe Anya and Payam’s wedding. It was truly amazing and beautiful. Just like a fairytale wedding in a storybook and it unfolded in exquisite castle of Casa Loma. Anya told Byron her tears started to come down when she first saw this highlight reel. We are all thrilled and honored to be a part of their special day.

If you have seen some of my previous work, you may have seen Anya already. She is an award winning dancer and I worked on a few dance projects with her before. Payam is a talented guitarist and dancer too. They truly are made for each other.

Anya + Payam + Highlight from Digistudio on Vimeo.

Fern + Roy

If you live in Toronto, you know how the weather was like this summer. Having an outdoor wedding on such as gorgeous day is a blessing for Fern and Roy. Everything went well without a single glitch and that just shows how much planning they put into this day. Reception was held at the Markham Event Centre (MEC) and it was amazingly spacious and nice. I had a great workout running around with my steadicam that night.

Thank you Fern and Roy for having me to be a part of your special day!

Fern + Roy + Highlight from Digistudio on Vimeo.