Thursday, July 23, 2009

Ivona + Miroslav

I had the absolute pleasure of filming this beautiful couple’s biggest day. I remember rain started to come down when the wedding ceremony were about to begin in the beautiful garden at the Fantasy Farm. When guest started to leave, Miroslav jumped out and insist the wedding must go on. That’s the most memorable moment to me and I am so glad he did that. It would have been chaotic otherwise…. Ivona and Miroslav cannot stop smiling at each other throughout the ceremony and what a beautiful sight that was! I bet they believe in the old saying that a wet bride is a lucky bride and the rainier the day, the more children they will get :). Congratulations!!

Btw, May 30th is truly special because that is the first time ever our trio worked together. Byron was the photographer, Tom and I were the videographers. We all look forward to our next trio project!

Ivona + Miroslav + Highlight from Digistudio on Vimeo.